what a day. early in the morn, woke up met amri. so he gave me a surprise and pop up with his GF when i was about to get into the lift. lol. it jus so happen tt his gf is my neighbour. Lool. headed to Cdans tgt. otw dere saw sufyan's face on the LARGE poster outside swiss cottage sec. was laughing like crazy.lool. played lazer quest LoL had alot of fun.!
**while waiting**

**Finally, our scoresheet. zaid is top scorer, followed by affan, den ME den behind 1 is faried amri=x i forgot their position. BUT i rmb SUFYAN was last. LOL**

headed for training after tt, late. LoL. had to buy takeaway and eat otw. had my first advance training for today! lol. stressed. during free exercise i was like stunt dnn wat to do. i got to train more to improve. after tt rush to boonlay watched movie with yq kf walter and wilson. was thinking of fetching sis back. she had not called home yet, lol. so headed home to wait, den whn shes back to sch den fetch her. lool. my whole body is aching now from advance training. tmr morn gonna go gym! lool.
shall go take a break first.