I CANT AFFORD TO FAIL MST. lol maygodblessme.
Still got tons of reports to do!
weiming says that hes gonna treat me anything off the menu if i score all A's, highly impossible.
Ahhh. tmr gona go over to cdans in the morning with some classmates to play laserquest. lol den to school, cleaning up of clubhouse. then head for training at novena till 7pm. and rush home, sis coming back from korea tmr. she'll be reaching school at 11pm, will go fetch her i suppose. AND the nex day going to gym with amri in the morn THEN to work. Lol. whats with this weekend no rest at all. and theres not even a timeslot for me to revise! lol. how am i gonna get A's lol. i tink IF can get B's happy alr.=x