Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sent grandma off early in the morning, shes going back to msia. she said that she'll be back whn she fully recovered. hope that she'll be back soon. after sending her off headed to lib studied inorganic/organic chem with andy kf and wil. studied till 4 plus im kinda tired alr so fooled around there. kf showed us sawV Lol. gross but interesting. after that we headed for pool saw clar at jp asked him along had fun for the nex few hours! stress relieving. had "dine" at sumo house. was a great deal. the boss treated us sushi LoL. Overall, today's a great day!

went to school from 8-10 only for today. didnt expect there to be a surprise test from 12-1. lol didnt attend the lesson. headed home to rest since its a friday. lool. too stress with mst. asked vera to accompany me to expo and walk around. headed to the IT fair and the john little sales thingy i tink. Lol the clothings there damn cheap la. wth. crocs somemore. sian. if only my mst is over i would be going over for quite a few days to get those clothings. visited gordon while he's at work over there. ivan went to had lunch didnt get to see him. after that followed vera to her grandma house from expo. its really a long walk. lol. played with the dog and watched tv there. then headed back to jurong. was suppose to go clementi to meet up with the others for pool. in the end, decided to slack at andy's house. so vera and i took bus to heeren and changed to train. lol the bus trip is just too long. we bought salmon at jp for dine to andy's house. then slack around. mard amanda and vera left first. so wil andy and i played tai di. lool. than home.! tmr got to go lib study alr! still got to meet up with yl at tiong bahru in the afternoon, asked him to pass the grading fee to sensei for me. lol shall be going back to training on wed!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

had dine with grandma and family at imm ,long beach restaurant on sunday! cousin treated.!
monday:school's more and more slack since most of the stuffs are thought. monday's microbiology pract. sucks. was quite irritated by tt lecturer who just cared for her class whn she's suppose to also teach us. didnt even cared bout questions asked by faried. lucky theres another lecturer there who treated us alot btr. tmr got to go to that lab to observe my pract results. i wonder if the same thing wil happen tmr. alrite enough rest alr shall get back to practise!
Finally REVISED 1/2 of my chemical principles shall continue another day! got to get some sleep.=)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
horoscope of the day for taurus(me!): Get more physical today. It will improve your health both physically and mentally.
INDEED is true.=x so i slept the whole day woke up had a great dine with family Lol. spent alot on dine. than headed to clementi for pool with yq wil and andy had lots of fun LoL. finished pool at 12. so we RAN to rush for the last bus. when we reached the bus station, no more bus LoL. lastbus 12pm! lol. sian. but we had EXERCISE improving our health both physically and mentally. so cabbed home. yq alighted first then after yq alighted Lol. andy felt like vomiting so he left halfway and asked wil and i to go first. lol. so whn we are in the cab, we felt quite guilty tinking what if he dies half way. LoL. so off the cab and waited for him infront. wil started to look for his fone. LoL. At first we tot he left it in the cab damn suay. luckily it fell on the road. sort of lucky i suppose.=x so whn we met andy he vomited infront of us. sianded. took a pic of him vomiting but i find it gross so deleted it alr. loool. had to walk back home. sian. wil and andy headed to vera hse bake cookies. may ur prob be solved wil, good luck. LoL. thats all for today=)
INDEED is true.=x so i slept the whole day woke up had a great dine with family Lol. spent alot on dine. than headed to clementi for pool with yq wil and andy had lots of fun LoL. finished pool at 12. so we RAN to rush for the last bus. when we reached the bus station, no more bus LoL. lastbus 12pm! lol. sian. but we had EXERCISE improving our health both physically and mentally. so cabbed home. yq alighted first then after yq alighted Lol. andy felt like vomiting so he left halfway and asked wil and i to go first. lol. so whn we are in the cab, we felt quite guilty tinking what if he dies half way. LoL. so off the cab and waited for him infront. wil started to look for his fone. LoL. At first we tot he left it in the cab damn suay. luckily it fell on the road. sort of lucky i suppose.=x so whn we met andy he vomited infront of us. sianded. took a pic of him vomiting but i find it gross so deleted it alr. loool. had to walk back home. sian. wil and andy headed to vera hse bake cookies. may ur prob be solved wil, good luck. LoL. thats all for today=)
Friday, November 21, 2008
what a crazy day i had today.=.= after sch took train with aldrich, alighted at tiong to buy dinner and headed for work alone. the train was like so packed, thn reaches dnn what stop a group of girls wanted to alight so they squeeze through 1 of their bagpack got tangled up to an old aunty. sianded. thn whn the door was about to close another guy from the back who wanted to alight press the emergency button and ran out. the train stop for 5-10mins. then ltr the station officer came to the cabin im in, as im standing beside the emergency button, he tot i leaned and pressed it accidentally. gosh. how suay could i get. i ignored him and listened to my songs. and the following stops before newton... all those ppl who were like alighting pat me on my shoulder and sympathize me coz of that guy who pressed that button. sianded. reached workplace, today got ppl booking the place for package 3. sianded. they are policeman/woman lol. cool. each 1 of us( addy area and i) took care of one row. lool. i chose the row with 2 kids. kids are quite easily entertained. LoL. show them hourglass they are alr very happy alr. had fun playing with them too.lool. shag. tmr still got to work. slping soon! I NEED TIME TO STUDY FOR MICROBIO! I DUWANNA FAIL. loool
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
im so tired. watched anime with sis till midnight. lol. and reached school by 8 this morning. after 12 headed to frontier library to study with john. too tired alr. study for a few hours then go have lunch and went home. didnt expect to rain heavily when we reached jp our feet were all wet and muddy. sianded. lol. went to the toilet to clean up and had lunch then go home alr. lol. life's so boring when exam's around the corner. kinda sad. may holiday arrives soon!
Monday, November 17, 2008

headed home to sleep in the morning and to gym with yq andy and wilson in the evening then to pool at clementi. jack and ansel joined us too. had quite a great time playing. bought gloves with jack and andy.
lol and there goes my weekend. it seems like holiday. MY EXAMS ARE COMING IN 2 WEEKS! OMG.
had training today damn shag. lol.
a big thanks to my little sis for the new wallet. =) appreciated.

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Happy Bday to andy! may u find a gf soon! LoL!
anw studied for today's test and it happened to be mcq wth. lol. feeling quite peaceful now. dnn why. lol. maybe its because the things that are supposed to be done are half done. a big thanks to xavier for letting me have his report, i wont plagiarize ur work.
big thanks to john too, lol helping me installing those protection on my laptop and sorting out my files, it sure looks neater now.
had a great time in class. john and i switch the aircons to 10 degree celcius with fan power max without anyone realising it LOL it sure is a great laugh looking 1 by 1 shivering and went to the toilet.
had red wine serve with meat with dad for dinner.! mom prepared sushi with cheese too. LoL. odd combi. but its still edible. not bad Lol.
thats all for today! =)
anw studied for today's test and it happened to be mcq wth. lol. feeling quite peaceful now. dnn why. lol. maybe its because the things that are supposed to be done are half done. a big thanks to xavier for letting me have his report, i wont plagiarize ur work.
big thanks to john too, lol helping me installing those protection on my laptop and sorting out my files, it sure looks neater now.
had a great time in class. john and i switch the aircons to 10 degree celcius with fan power max without anyone realising it LOL it sure is a great laugh looking 1 by 1 shivering and went to the toilet.
had red wine serve with meat with dad for dinner.! mom prepared sushi with cheese too. LoL. odd combi. but its still edible. not bad Lol.
thats all for today! =)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Had a great time at nebo ytd celebrating decoders anniv. lol. reached home at 1 lidat and got to go school at 8. lol shag. got tons of reports to be handed in. did RWP,was intending to try it out alone, but do half way cnt tke it alr. asked john to be my partner, since he have not started yet, so i did half and he did the other half. also got to thanks tam whose been helping me out for my rwp report. really appreciate the link and the file u sent me.=) glad to have a neighbour like u. after i sent john my report lol went to sleep alr. too tired. well tmr got test! got to go prepare now!. fri got to hand in another report on plant design i suppose. shall do it tmr. lol.
Monday, November 10, 2008
GYM-ed with amri today. when we were about to leave jack reached. lool. yq wil was suppose to be reaching at 9 today well i guess they overslept due to ytd's movie. LoL. had quite a gd wrk out today, my body's aching. lol. there's still training tmr. i wonder how far my body can go. lool. after gym headed home had a great breakfast(katong laksa!) bought by cousins! then brought my mee pok bought from dad to wrk as my dine. had a great time at work. tis time managed to handle 2 groups of ppl. well, kelly handled the third 1. luckily shes here for kitchen training. lol. so after the 3 groups left, kf, kelly, edwin and i played carrom. lol. then some other board games and had forfeit. lol. unique forfeit experience today, be it with a guy or girl. lol. so yea 1 of the forfeit is for kf to wear a wig and take a photo with friends. the wig sure suits him LOL.
Pic of the day: 

Saturday, November 8, 2008
what a day. early in the morn, woke up met amri. so he gave me a surprise and pop up with his GF when i was about to get into the lift. lol. it jus so happen tt his gf is my neighbour. Lool. headed to Cdans tgt. otw dere saw sufyan's face on the LARGE poster outside swiss cottage sec. was laughing like crazy.lool. played lazer quest LoL had alot of fun.!
**while waiting**

**Finally, our scoresheet. zaid is top scorer, followed by affan, den ME den behind 1 is faried amri=x i forgot their position. BUT i rmb SUFYAN was last. LOL**

headed for training after tt, late. LoL. had to buy takeaway and eat otw. had my first advance training for today! lol. stressed. during free exercise i was like stunt dnn wat to do. i got to train more to improve. after tt rush to boonlay watched movie with yq kf walter and wilson. was thinking of fetching sis back. she had not called home yet, lol. so headed home to wait, den whn shes back to sch den fetch her. lool. my whole body is aching now from advance training. tmr morn gonna go gym! lool.
shall go take a break first.
Friday, November 7, 2008

I CANT AFFORD TO FAIL MST. lol maygodblessme.
Still got tons of reports to do!
weiming says that hes gonna treat me anything off the menu if i score all A's, highly impossible.
Ahhh. tmr gona go over to cdans in the morning with some classmates to play laserquest. lol den to school, cleaning up of clubhouse. then head for training at novena till 7pm. and rush home, sis coming back from korea tmr. she'll be reaching school at 11pm, will go fetch her i suppose. AND the nex day going to gym with amri in the morn THEN to work. Lol. whats with this weekend no rest at all. and theres not even a timeslot for me to revise! lol. how am i gonna get A's lol. i tink IF can get B's happy alr.=x
Thursday, November 6, 2008

took some pics during pract for report. for ppl who happens to need it pm me. =)

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