Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mard is sick, went with part of the clique to nuh to pay her a visit. mr peh was dere too. LOl we guys played blind mice dere at the play grd LOL. sounds childish but super fun. dnn why hahas had great laughter tgt.
halfway px and i left to pasir ris to meet aikido peeps. on the first night only sandy,yongxin,jas,kris,weeping,px and i. Lol watch grudge3 was like screaming like hell.den the nex day dey more ppl came. around 80 plus?. its the first time i went to such a big chalet. SUPER SHIOK 4 toilets 4 rooms and balcony and stuffs. omg. no nd fight for toilet! hahahs.