Friday, July 17, 2009

happy 1/2 yr with xin!=) went to vera's house to make cookie for xin. wanted to mke and eeyore den bcme like a dog, after baking it bcame like a bear. gosh. loool

Andy helped fan and i alot. loL big thanks man!
xin prepared this box! super sweet of her la. met up in the evening and headed to clarke quay for a walk. loool alighted at raffles walk round and round. coz i TOT i noe hw to go frm raffles as we miss outram. didnt expect to walk a longer route to rch clarke quay instead.

thats all for today! lool. ytd's practical was unexpected alot of things crop up. tmr heading for huat's chalet, shun bian visit jas since shes also around the area den shall meet up with clique and head for movies at cathay.! shall get some slp alr bye!