Tuesday, May 5, 2009

great labour day! Lol went over to peh's house for POT LUCK fun! most of the clique are there! everyone enjoyed themselves.=) oh well. too many pics to upload i shall upload another day! no time=x alot school work to do! the nex day headed for training, then to andy's bbq! its for his bro coz his bro bday. but his dad open more pits so we get to use it. super lots of food! LoL andy's a great host despite the hot weather! he didnt complain! than come to tues my BDAY! hohos thanks for all the wishes. thanks baby for the adidas watch which u walked such a far distance with ur heavy laptop to get it for me.! i shd thank leon(forget the name alr hope its rite) for bringing u there too. and thanks for the surpriseS. lool. im indeed shock. thanks for the watch and the cake u bought from bakerzin yea. u mus've spent alot.=\
classmates celebrated with me today too. lucky, not like last year. im at one piece and CLEAN. today they bought 2 bottles of vodka dnn what for me. lol. drank 1. the other 1 drank half cnt tke it alr=\ asked everyone for help. LOl thanks andy for initiating the help! than still got chongyee john ben and others!. big thanks to gaja! LoL. he drank alot for me! hahas. went home with john. alittle tipsy. =\ was like all red. LoL. slept. and celebrated with family and xin!=)