Thursday, April 16, 2009

oh man didnt went training from like last sat. mond. dad dragged me to polyclinic to consult the doctor. then they directed me to the hospital on thurs for further check up. so troublesome. lol. then headed to NUHwith xin. oh man big thank you! =) so we went to the clinic F. lool. check up on my nose problems.=\ felt so grossed. they actually put a long tube into my nose to see whats inside. man. i can feel it at my throat. digusting. lol. then used some sort of like match stick thingy to "burn" one vessel inside. lol. not tt painful i tink=\ but quite irritating keep on having tt stingy pain.=\ watched handsome suit with xin. went off whn the shw was about to end as she wanted to go to the toilet. ohwell. den left. predicted the ending anw. if i were to let her go to toilet alone.. i doubt she can see and make her way back to her seat.=\
headed home. shall have dine tgt i suppose. =) a happy day.
my nose still hurts