anw leave that aside. dinner and dance was indeed a unique experience! full of fun and laughter. a day before the dine and dance we stayed overnite preparing the stuffs for the camp and also the nightwalk route. even us who plan the route were afraid=x LoL. some pics of us preparing.

Coming up next! would be time for the costumes of dinner and dance!

after that sensei, sandy, yong xin,ruby,zijing and sarah headed for the night walk first cos some of them got to work tmr and got to leave early. jas and i were stationed at the lib. well we left our" samuel" dere. and ran over tgt with yl to look for ruilin and liling. it is jus too eerrie at night in school.=x samuel and the well we left at the lib is scary enuff alr. after the first round of night walk finished, then its the seniors turn!. this time, jas, ruilin, liling and yl tgt at their station in charge of thrwing "sally" down from the spiral staircase while i joined thomas yuping and zijing at the red bridge. Lol. sure got lots of scared.=x
after we woke up slacked in the afternoon and headed for training in school. and wow. training was like... so tiring. i dnn why. mayb i do not have enough sleep. although i slept the longest LOL.i shld go slp now. or else i'll be a zombie even without make up.