and we started digging in!

that prawn is damn nice la.LoL in the end we ordered so much that the manager reminded us that the unfinished food would be charged also. LoL. after buffet headed to meet up with clique at vivo. slacked at rooftop. while they are slacking i drag kh and hg along with me for a walk to look for a bagpack coz no one wanna go far east with me.=( lol drop by a nike shop, straight away bought a bagpack, wth. i make fast decision=x
me and my emo-ed tudi
LOL best pic of the day! ansel seems to be enjoying it=x
kf in a vry awkward position=x
everyone's tired lool clarence like always can sleep anywhere in any position. Andy is trying to see if he's really aslp or not LoL. thats all for today, well its happy overall.
p.s hope you'll be alright soon.