Gems great, sort of knew some of my group mates, as time goes by im sure well be great friends=).
gosh. school's getting more and more boring. tmr gonna hand in this. lol. sian.=

someone's gonna save me from this boring life. lol. got to endure. lol. hope i'll be able to do well for mst!. i must do well. =) work/training/studies.! jus time management! lol had affan as my lab partner, sure is happy to have a pro here. lool. tooboreed while waiting for results. lol

well after school, john acc me to control stat. to buy concession, and from today onwards im gonna tke train! so went home to sleep, and had dine then headed to work. lol. lucky weiming came to help, a group of ppl came just to play strategy games lol. stressed. i got to learn more man! o yea kelly and madel came to train, well, lol the games i noe is almost like theirs. lool. so theres nth much for me to teach. tan yi came over later. so every1 played some games together. had fun. luckily they were dere or else i would be bored to death. lol. tmr got school till 5pm =.=. was supposed to be dismiss at 3. sianded.after school shall be heading for training. may friday come soon! im so gonna enjoy my weekends!