on sunday, lool. i woke up at 10am to prepare myself to go to work. reached at 1pm start work, MP coming together with 30 youths. lol not as busy as expected as they ordered package1. after that tl ansel andy came lol yap asked them to teach me some games. Lol. and since theres no customers i learnt the games when they left to meet kf. so ya, learning and teaching are way 2 different things lol. i had a very hard time explaing saboteur yet i still failed. then sean thought me some other easier ones. lol. quite demoralized, oh well, cant possibly give up like that. i will take this experience as a motivation for me to be a good game faci.
after work the 2 bosses drove me to jurong. met up with clique at yt house, they wanted to celebrate moon cake festival. Lol. so had chocolate fondue for supper at yt house. i was like so tired already lol so andy ansel and i left at around 2 plus. lol. as i got to head to malaysia to pray. its suppose to be great-grandma bday today. well, had an enjoyable time with grandma shopping just now lol. headed to uncle's house. woah his puppy is damn nice. shall grow up into a very big dog. how i missed my german shepherd. lol when im older im so gonna have a german shepherd with white fur only, it sure will look damn cool.! hahs. im gona go to sleep already lol. woke up at 5am this morning. so dead. dont think can make it for today's aikido training. shall go for tmr 1 then. argh
Pictures of the day!