faried replied: of course i have pride i lose i wont take $5 from you want you take.
LOL i was like laughing like mad. looking at them talking about this topic for quite a period of time.
the new teacher is so... wtf, inexperience i guess. LoL she damn like to show off. make till like everyone dont know then ask her feel so stupid like that. don't even know whats shes teaching. after her lesson damn shag, very tired, and attended tham's lesson. lol too tired already not much people is listening. lol.
lesson's over slightly earlier at 11.30,tham knows that we are tired and covered up what she wanted to teach faster to let us have a break. we had lunch and headed to moberly, actually wanted to play pool, but only got 1 table half of the guys went to play pool, while the other half went to play carrom. today faried thought me how to play carrom. Lol damn cool la. first match don't know how to play and shoot. LoL second game finally got a hang of it slightly. aldrich, faried and i play together. huat, john and amri played together. LOL they damn funny amri keep shooting in, earn alot of points already then later shoot wrong lost all, john was like laughing all the way, then confident he win anyhow play LoL in the end he loseLoL.
At 1.30pm, we went to board the bus and headed to Asia Pacific Brewery. LoL damn cool la that place all those equipments and stuff. around 3.30pm like that we were brought to a place where we can get to enjoy FREE FLOW DRINKS. wooo.!CHEERS.

lol after drinking the first round. aldrich suggested to go get more LoL so we changed our seats and headed over to ask for more drinks. lool

we headed back to school at around 4 plus. Together with out souveniers. and assignment i've not finished it yet oh my god. 10% ! lol actually wan go aikido training today one, but too tired already after drinking. im a poor drinker. lol
BUT im going to attend Friday's TRAINING. 8-9.30pm at radin mas cc. going to rush my assignment and revise today's subject which i catch no ball.! this weekend is going to be busy again.lol. saturday. im going to Sentosa with my classmates . sunday have tuition but homework not done yet. and still got to go support vera's class what milk run or something. Lol. selling of something i forgot already. she asked me to ask the others. Lol i have not even asked shall ask them later. so many things to do! friday im going to do my tuition's homework. saturday enjoy, sunday tuition then go out. lol. so packed. and im going to plan on a day to go back to secondary school to get back my O's level certificate and testimonial.