stress no more! x] special thanks to: Aldrich who helped me alot with my report! and Jiajun who lent me his report as reference. and EVERY group mates of mine. without their help i won't b able to complete my report!.
lool luckily i went to sleep last night and did not read up so much for the test. the lecturer just walk in put test on table, gave us walk out and said he will be back later. LOL. =x well you know what happens next. =)
so after school went home with john,huat,benjamin and aldrich. LoL had lots of laughter. THANKS ar huat, i don't have to see you your face for 3 weeks so happy lah. LOL~
after dine went to arena for pool with kf, andy and wilson. Lool kf pro siol today won alot.
well after POOL, we went to WATSON to meet up with yt and vera. kf and i bought red dyes but diff brand. when kf walks out the shop, that alarm rang hohos. =x hes a thieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef~. i hate thieves LOL!
pay alr alarm still rang unlucky guy =x.
LoL my dad helped me to dye my hair. and my mom says that he siao lao peh ( siao dad) loool where got father so happy help child dye hair one. well all i can say its red. lol.

loool! and and AIKIDO CAMP THE NEX DAY! shall be back on 3rd june!( i tink)